I'm so, so, so excited to be saying that in less than 3 months Gene and I are going to England!!! For years we've talked about going and entertained the thought of it last year, but never got around to it. Now that we have a baby coming, what a better time to do it because we all know how hard it'll be to go once he/she is here. Not that having a baby is going to hinder any travel plans that we may have in the future, but going overseas with an infant is a bit different. In fact, once my child is old enough to be aware of their surroundings I want to expose him/her to the world. There is soooo much out there to see other than this small town we live in. I want my child to know different cultures & people and be able to appreciate all of our differences. So, aside from my ramblings, I'm stoked about going to England!! We're taking Gene's Mum who hasn't been since 1997. For those of you who don't know, Gene's Mum was born and raised there. So, Gene has quite a few relatives that he's never met. It will be such an honor to meet Mum's family and see where she grew up. I just adore my Mum-n-law. She is the most amazing woman and honestly, we couldn't have a better tour guide. I especially can't wait to visit the old churches and possibly attend a Catholic mass there. There is so much history and beauty to be seen!! I don't know if I'll be able to focus between now and then. May 16th couldn't come soon enough!!