Thursday, April 23, 2009
The size of a mango.
Also, in a couple of weeks, May 6th to be exact, we're going to find out (hopefully) the sex of the baby. If he/she is in the right spot we'll know for sure. BUT I am literally dying with anticipation!! It doesn't matter to us what we have and we're not going to start decorating the baby's room until we get back from England anyways, but still!!! These next 2 weeks are going to be SUPER, SUPER slow and I'm going to be up alllll night the night before just because that's the way I am. More importantly I want to see the ultrasound and have them tell me that it's a healthy baby. Boy or girl it doesn't matter. . . I just want a healthy, healthy happy baby.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Happy Birthday to Gene!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thank God for Chiropractors!
This is what is looks like during pregnancy.
And this is me. Misaligned and in alot of pain - me.
It's rare, like 1 out of 300 women get it, but it's starting to become more common, especially in pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy a hormone 'relaxin' softens and relaxes your muscles, ligaments, and pelvis so they can spread open to make room for the baby to pass through the birth canal, but for women with SPD that gap can cause severe misalignment, which is why there's so much pain. It feels like someone took a hammer and hit me really hard on my pubic bone. I can't roll over in bed without tucking my legs under me and rolling them together at the same time. I also have to sit flat and put on or take off pants or shoes (no more standing on one leg and leaning). It hurts WAAAAYYY toooo much! And I understand that pregnancy does things to your body that just is. You're making room for a baby to grow and that can really alter everything about you, but to be in this much pain just isn't normal.
So, after calling my OB and not getting the answer I wanted (they told me to take ADVIL and put a heating pad on my pubic bone) I called my friend April Simmons who happens to be a Chiropractor and she immediately knew how to treat my problem. She had a patient with the same symptoms and while she was doing her internship she witnessed alot of pregnant women in the same situation. Luckily April (or should I say Dr. Simmons) is in my network so she adjusted me and gave me some stretches that I can do to help alleviate the pain. Unfortunately, nothing can cure SPD except to wait until after the delivery once the hormone is out of my system and let everything sort of shift back into place. So in the meantime, I hobble around like a funny pregnant lady except I'm not nearly big enough to look like I'm pregnant and I need to keep up on my adjustments. I'm still very surprised at how well I'm taking this. As I've said before I'm the biggest baby I know when it comes to pain or anything being out of place. So, maybe I'm just growing up. ; )