So, if you haven't guessed it by now, we are having a GIRL! We had our ultrasound on Wednesday and the technician said it with certainty. Of course, there's always that chance, but she was pretty confident. AND we have the pictures to prove it. ; )
She was in a pretty good spot and made it very easy for the tech to tell. Of course, when it came to getting her profile, she got all camera shy and covered her face the entire time. It was adorable.

And as Gene and I sat there watching the tech show us all the little parts: hands, feet, legs, face and heart (with the 4 chambers) I got a sense of pride watching my little girl on the screen who only weighs 13 ounces. I had tears streaming down my face thinking about this little baby that my husband and I created. By the next morning, reality set in and it scared me to death. I started to panic about being a mother. I hope I don't disappoint her. I hope I can teach her everything she needs to know to live a life of her own. I hope we get along and that she knows I love her and hope that she loves me back. I already had her graduating from college and walking down the aisle and then it freaked me out. Gene reminded me that she's not even born yet and that brings me back to earth. I've been told that this is normal to feel this way for first time mothers and that I'm being too hard on myself. Would I still feel this way if we were having a boy? Probably not as much. I was raised by my Dad for most of my life and the oldest of 3 brothers. I kind of have an edge where that's concerned so I know what to expect. I just remember what it was like growing up and girls in junior high and high school can be so mean. I know how hard it was for me and I guess I already felt nervous for her. Thank God for Gene because he will be the logical one in the family and remind me that I'm getting ahead of myself. One step at a time. . . one day at a time. I just pray for a happy healthy little girl and let God take care of everything else along the way.