Gosh, it seems like yesterday that I posted the 7 month belly shot. Time has certainly flown by for me. I almost don't want it to end! Things have been really great with no new uncomfortable symptoms. Occasionally, I feel like my stomach is stretching and if it were to stretch any further it would explode. My sweet baby moves around
alot during the day, but loves to sleep at night. Either that or she's letting me sleep because she hasn't woken me up once. I'm still not sure if she's turned (with her head down) or not because I'll feel her strong kicks on my bladder. Unless she's got super strong arms because there have been some close calls and I've had to run to the bathroom to pee. My bladder is definitely not as strong as it was!
lol! Sleeping has been a bit of an issue though. I can't get comfortable and sometimes I wake myself up b/c my left or right side, depending on which side I've fallen
asleep on, will get really numb and start to hurt. If I sleep on my left side, Gene says I snore - right in his ear. Poor guy hasn't had a good nights sleep since January. Well, I haven't slept through the whole night either since I have to get up a couple of times to use the bathroom. I guess it's just
prepping us for those sleepless nights with our baby. Luckily, I'm able to take 12 weeks off from work (due to
FMLA) so I'm not as worried about getting too much sleep at first. I'll sleep when I can and by the time I go back to work, she'll be 3 months old and we'll have a well developed schedule. Knowing that I have that much time to bond with her and get adjusted to a new baby, I'm VERY relieved - to say the least. In a perfect world, I'd be a stay at home mom, but I know there are lots of benefits of sending a child to a daycare, plus the current economical situation doesn't really support a one person income. I think between the two of us, this baby will know that it's loved to the core regardless if I stay at home or go back to work. ; )