Charlotte's not even a year old yet, but I already feel it sneaking up on me. I'm thinking about the day she was born and trying to remember all the little details of the first 3 months. Her little baby nose, tiny little baby fingers and toes and all of her milestones. And believe it or not I'm already starting to think about planning her first birthday. Doesn't seem fair that she's approaching 9 months and no longer a little baby. Well, let's face it - she wasn't a little baby when she was born either, weighing in over 9 pounds!
Charlotte has got to be the happiest little baby on earth. She smiles & laughs allll the time, waves hi to everybody she meets and gets so excited when we take her to daycare. The other day when Gene went to pick her up, he was barely in the doorway when she noticed him and got so excited to see him that she immediately starting crawling to him. She's definitely going to be a Daddy's little girl. ; )
So, even though it's a little early to start going down memory lane I still wanted to post some of her older pictures to record the memory. The idea is, one of these days I would like to put the blog I've made into an album for Charlotte to keep when she gets older.

Charlotte's birth-day