So, I had an appointment with the ultrasound technician to have a test done called Nuchal Fold Translucency. It typically tests for Down's Syndrome, but can also find other abnormalities. From what the tech could see, the baby is normal. ; ) But the coolest part of this whole experience is what I saw on the screen. This was the first time I saw the baby. I heard the heartbeat so we knew something was there, but to actually see it is. . . I don't know how to describe it. . . it was surreal. For the first 10 minutes she showed me the different parts of the baby's body. Eyes, nose, 4 little fingers and thumb, arms, legs, and the spot where to eventually find the sex. And all these little parts together are the size of a peach. You could even see the baby's heart beating in the ultrasound. All I could do was giggle every time she showed me something else. Then she said, "Well, we need to get the baby to wake up to move around so we can get a better shot of the spine." This is where they look for the Down's syndrome. So, I shake my belly around and tell him/her to wake up. Then. . . the next thing that I saw made me get teary-eyed. The baby. . . . . woke up. The baby stretched. The baby went from legs crossed at the ankles, hands clasped together to stretching. Stretched out it's arms and legs and even arched it back. It was soo clear. There was no mistaking what I just saw on the screen. At 13 weeks, the baby knew that stretching from a nap would give it some relief. After the baby woke up he/she rolled around and kicked out it's arms and legs. All I can say is, it was an incredible experience. INCREDIBLE!
You're gonna make me cry. Stop it. Dang it...tearing up now. That is so special. I am so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteThis truly is AMAZING. I'm so excited with each update you give us and I just can't wait for this little one to get here. :)