Wow, 6 months have sure flown by! I can't believe that we're over half way there! I'm feeling much more pregnant these past few days between my sciatic nerve really bothering me, lower back pain causing me to waddle (lol!), swelling of the feet, numbness of the fingers and toes, and having to deal with restless leg syndrome at night. Plus, I'm really starting to show. And with all of these things slowing me down, I feel much more mentally stable than I've been in my whole life. I laugh & smile much more than I ever did and I don't feel anxious or down about life. Those of you that have known me well know that I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life which was one of my major concerns for being pregnant. Not wanting to be on medication while being pregnant I was afraid that I would transfer those feeling to my baby, but so far I'm really doing quite well with it all. I know once the baby comes I'll have to deal with postpartum so hopefully they can figure out what's in the pregnancy hormone that makes me feel so good and give me a pill for it! ; ) Otherwise, I know I have a really great support group to get me through it.
I also have to say that Gene's been wonderful throughout my pregnancy. He's extremely patient, loving and kind and every day he never ceases to amaze me at how much he loves me. I get so emotional thinking about him holding his little baby girl for the first time and know that he's going to be an amazing father. I look forward to meeting our baby girl and I'm thankful for the wonderful little family we've created.
You look great! I'm so glad you are feeling so good. I always felt like I was on Cloud 9 when I was pregnant too. They really should bottle that hormone up! :)