Charlotte's first trip out, aside from leaving the hospital, was on Monday, September 28th to go to the pediatrician. Dr. Nassim is a super sweet lady that owns her own practice and just had the sweetest, most gentle touch. She said Charlotte is super healthy and very beautiful. I couldn't agree more! ; ) When Charlotte & I were discharged from the hospital her weight had dropped from 9.2 pounds to 8.6, which is normal. Babies tend to lose about 10% of their body weight within the first few days. Most of the time they regain their birth weight within 2 weeks from birth. Just a few days of being discharged she already gained about 6 ounces now at 8.12 pounds. She's almost at her birth weight & doesn't have far to go by her next appointment on Tuesday. After that we only have to go for monthly visits instead of weekly.
Charlotte is really a great baby. Aside from the normal peeing, pooping, sleeping and eating she's really an exceptional baby. She's already responding to our voices, focusing on our faces, smiles alot and holds her head up pretty well and she's only 8 days old!! They weren't kidding when they said breastfed babies are pretty intelligent! Of course, she's my baby so I'm going to assume and believe that she's meant for great things. ; )
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Renee & Gene