This picture is bitter sweet for me. On one hand I'm so proud that she's growing so strong that she can hold onto her own bottle now, but on the other hand I really enjoy feeding her and find that this step of independence is one small example of things to come. With the limited time that I have with her during the day, I enjoy holding her and giving her her bottle while I talk to her, sing to her, ask her questions about her dreams, or her day and all the while, I hold her hand, stroke her hair and stare in her beautiful green eyes. I'm just not ready for her to grow up!

She loves grabbing her feet!

Charlotte and her Daddy

Such a sweet picture. Gene's such a good father and Charlotte's one lucky little girl!!
So beautiful. I can't believe how big she is either. I can't imagine my little one getting that big. She's only 6 weeks now and people think she's a 3 month old. haha =o)