As I approach 38 weeks (this week), I realized that I failed to post this picture from 2 weeks ago. I'm quite sure that I've grown since then because everyone from work keeps telling me that I look like I'm ready to pop. (Can you hear the sarcasm??) And not just my co-workers, it's people I've NEVER met. People in the elevator, grocery store, my church and customers in line behind me at Kohl's. You know. . . everyone's a friggin expert. I should've hired everyone else instead of my OB to tell me when I was ready to deliver. For the last 9 months I've haven't been moody at all, but I'm about ready to explode on some people. I mean do I need to write a friggin book about "What Not to Say to a Pregnant Lady"???!?!?!?!?!? It's like telling a pregnant woman that she's HUGE! I mean seriously. . . . RUDE. . . . NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eh-hem. . . excuse me. Sorry about that, I had a little moment there. I just needed to get that out of my system. I just don't understand people. I don't think I'm expecting too much, am I????? And maybe I am, but come on!
Anywhoo. . . . my appointment last week went well. I heard the heartbeat again which is always so soothing. It's just one little thing that I look forward to at every visit. They also checked to see if I've dilated yet and she says that I'm not even close - which I suspected. Typically a pregnancy is about 40 weeks, but they consider anything over 37 to be full term and usually they'll induce if you start approaching 42 weeks. So, right now I'm in good shape.
I'll be sure to keep everyone posted. I guess everyone's just as excited about Charlotte's arrival as I am and can't wait for her to get here. ; )
I know what you mean about people's pregnancy comments. Sometimes it seems the sight of a pregnant belly makes some people think they no longer have to be polite. I was in Macy's with my mom when I was almost 40 weeks pregnant and one of the guys working there saw me and said "Oh No, don't you go dropping that baby in here!!!" while waving his arms and making these crazy facial expressions. I wanted to throw a blender at his head!