Monday, September 21, 2009

40 weeks & (sigh) still pregnant.

So, my due date was yesterday and Charlotte's still enjoying the warm comforts of being in the womb. I was sooo convinced that she'd be early based upon stories that I heard about first time babies. I guess I should've listen to the other stories that I also heard about first time babies being 2 weeks over due. I guess I was hoping that she wouldn't wait that long in fear that she'll be as big as I was when I was born (about 10 days late at 9.9 lbs). But like my Dr. said it isn't an exact science and there are no guarantees. I guess I'm feeling a little anxious because I'm getting more and more uncomfortable by the day from really bad lower back pain to trying to find a good sitting and sleeping position. However, I'm really grateful that her heartbeat remains strong & she's still moving around more so than ever.

I have another appointment tomorrow so we'll see what the Dr. says. Whether we induce next week or she comes on her own, at least I know that I'll have a sweet little (or big) baby in my arms in less than 2 weeks. ; )


  1. I can totally empathize with you. Clay was born five days past my due date. Keep thinking positively! Charlotte will be here before you know it. Hugs!!!

  2. It was sooo great to see you today - even though that means you were still at work ; )
    Take care - Love Amy : )

  3. Still preggie girlie??? I hope you are hanging in there. =o) Can't wait to see what she looks like!!!

  4. So- I know you haven't had time to update today, but

    Welcome Charlotte : ) : ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hope you've been feeling well and everybody is great!!!


Thank you so much for thinking of us and stopping by. Can't wait to read your comments!

Renee & Gene