What can I say that I haven't said already? Charlotte is just adorable!!! I can't stop looking at her and telling her how sweet and precious she is to us. Her Daddy and I are so in love with this baby and we couldn't imagine our life without her. Earlier this week we went to her 1 month well visit and couldn't believe how much she's grown already. She's grown a half an inch from 21 1/2 inches long to 22 and went from 9 pounds 2 ounces to 10 pounds and 14 ounces!!! She's our little chubbas! ; ) One of the major adjustments to having a child is the lack of sleep I get. Since we've decided that breastfeeding is the best for our daughter I'm essentially the only one that can feed her. So that means I'm up nursing every time she's hungry. 'Feed on demand' they say, which means every 2 to 3 hours. Needless to say I don't get much sleep unless I pump and have Gene take a shift for me to allow me to get some more Zzzz's. So I totally look forward to the weekends when he can do that for me. ; ) Eventually, as she gets a little older she'll sleep a little longer, but I don't want to rush her life away. I try to nap when she does and look forward to those late night moments when she stares at my eyes and gives me the most precious smile in the world. It's as if she's telling me that she loves me which is more precious than all the money or gold in the world. I LOVE THIS BABY!!!!!
She is so precious. I can't wait to feel the way you do about my little Scotlin. I feel a lot of love for her already and I don't even know her. hehe