What can I say - she's still friggin' adorable! Charlotte is getting bigger and more responsive by the day. She didn't used to like sitting with her play mat, but that's before she started really noticing the toys hanging down and all their colors. Now she sits there kicking her legs and waving her arms just getting super excited while making all sorts of noises. I can sit her there while I grab a bite to eat or get her bottles ready. She's now also getting closer to a more scheduled ritual. She doesn't quite sleep all the way through the night, but I can almost predict when she'll wake up and when she'll take her next nap. And right when I've got it all figured out, she changes it on me. I guess she's more like her Momma than I realized. ; )

It's hard to believe that she's already 2 months old. It really has gone by very fast. I'm just so thankful that I've got this time off to be with her because she changes so much everyday and I couldn't imagine not spending my days with her. Even though there were days that I thought I would lose my mind if I didn't get more sleep, I can't wait to pick her up from her nap and give her hugs and kisses. I dream of the day when she can wrap her arms around my neck and squeeze me back. She's just sooo sweet. When she smiles at me after I've been up with her 2 (maybe 3) times during the night it just melts my heart. Gene and I still can't believe we created this precious, adorable, beautiful baby.
We love you Charlotte!!!
She's so precious. I can't believe she is that old now. I think I will be saying the same thing in a few months. hehe I can't wait to get this baby out of me so I can have all the fun that you're having. hehe =o)