Thursday, February 26, 2009

We're going to England!!

I'm so, so, so excited to be saying that in less than 3 months Gene and I are going to England!!! For years we've talked about going and entertained the thought of it last year, but never got around to it. Now that we have a baby coming, what a better time to do it because we all know how hard it'll be to go once he/she is here. Not that having a baby is going to hinder any travel plans that we may have in the future, but going overseas with an infant is a bit different. In fact, once my child is old enough to be aware of their surroundings I want to expose him/her to the world. There is soooo much out there to see other than this small town we live in. I want my child to know different cultures & people and be able to appreciate all of our differences. So, aside from my ramblings, I'm stoked about going to England!! We're taking Gene's Mum who hasn't been since 1997. For those of you who don't know, Gene's Mum was born and raised there. So, Gene has quite a few relatives that he's never met. It will be such an honor to meet Mum's family and see where she grew up. I just adore my Mum-n-law. She is the most amazing woman and honestly, we couldn't have a better tour guide. I especially can't wait to visit the old churches and possibly attend a Catholic mass there. There is so much history and beauty to be seen!! I don't know if I'll be able to focus between now and then. May 16th couldn't come soon enough!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Catching up.

I know it's been awhile since my last post, but honestly, nothing new has come up and nothing worth blogging. I really do have a good excuse though. . . . I had been a bit busy with feeling nauseous 24 hours out of the day and school is kicking my butt this semester. (Partially b/c it's all foreign to me and I'm an overachiever - so I want to maintain my A average!!) I'm taking Biology w/a lab so I'm in class every Monday and Wednesday for 3 hours. So, right after working an 8 hour day, I'm running off to school and I don't usually get home until 9:oo at night. At first it was difficult to sit through class b/c I felt like puking the whole time and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. But now it's been almost a week that I haven't had the urge to lose my lunch (or dinner) so I'm thinking I'm done with the morning sickness. And as far as having any cravings or food aversions . . . I was hating chicken and even the smell of it, and just LOVING tacos. I think last week when I was starting to pick up my appetite, I had tacos for a snack after I had my lunch and I had tacos a couple of nights for dinner. I LOVE me some tacos!!! lol!!

I'm now over 10 weeks pregnant and very excited to be that much closer to the end of my first trimester. We have our first appointment next Tuesday with the OB/GYN to see our first ultrasound and to hear the heartbeat. I think once I hear the beating of our baby's heart I'll be much more excited and not afraid to spread the news to everyone. I'm a worrier and have heard that all kinds of bad things can happen before the second trimester and I'm just being overly cautious. I'll post another picture soon of the growing (or not so-growing) belly. Gene has noticed a change in my expanding waste. But I keep telling him it's just gas, at least that's what my book What to Expect When Your Expecting says. Have you noticed they say that about a baby's smile, too - that it's just gas?? I don't believe it for a second. I know that baby is smiling at me, damn it! So, I'd like to think that I'm actually starting to show. : ) At least my pants are starting to get a bit more snug and there are only so many shirts that I have that can cover up the fact that I can't button my pants anymore! lol! So, I'm looking forward to buying my first set of maternity clothes. It should be interesting since I hate shopping!! I may need some of my friends to assist in that department. : )

So, that's all I have for now. I'll keep you posted on the baby happenings if you will keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Love you all!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Those were the days. . .

My Granny and me. . . me and my Granny. No matter how far away we lived from each other we were extremely close for a grandmother/grand-daughter relationship. Probably even closer than that, she was like a mom to me. Some time ago we were talking on the phone as we did almost every weekend, and she says to me in her sweet granny voice, "Ney. . . you're not only my grand-daughter, you're my best friend." As I sit here and write this, it gets me every time. . . frog in throat and eyes welling up. It's been a year and a half since she past away, but as I prepare to be a mother myself I'm reminded all over again at how her death broke my heart and how much I still miss her. I can't even talk or think about her without shedding a tear. Oh, how I wish that I could've called her myself to tell her I was having a baby, but you know she already knows. My faith tells me that. Even still, as human as I am, I'm selfish and wish that I could've told her to earthly voice that her little lady bug was growing up and going to be a mommy one day. I'm still very lucky that I have a wonderful family and awesome friends that I can count on and share my excitement with. But still. . . nothing would have made me happier to call her on the phone and tell her personally that she was going to be a great-grandmother again.